Going to bed at about 8.00pm is not, for me, a regular event. When I get there, sleep is the more elusive element, amongst other thoughts, like reflections on the day, anticipation of tommorrow, and making it through the night. At least, I get to rest and, sometimes, an hour or 30 minutes sleep, before I need to get up. So why is it so easy, at any other time, to lean back on the sofa after dinner and struggle, usually in vain, to stay awake, despite the TV or a good book (and I only read good books after all!) to entertain me before trotting off to bed at "the usual time"? Another of life's conundrums!
Still, 11:00pm arrives, and I'm off to drive around 60 miles to Central London, to do the buying of Veg, Fruit Fish and some pre-aranged pick ups, mainly for
Muchado, a Caterer, Deli shop and
Cafe, in Olney, Bucks. England, and a few of my own customers, mainly pubs & restaurants in the Olney area.
Now I've done my share of shift work, having started in Computer Operations before the term "IT industry" was even coined, but it still seems strange to leave the house just before midnight! It's drizzly and misty tonight, so I'll need to be more alert than usual. A clear run sees me arrive at New Covent Garden Market, just before 1:00am. Levels of alertness need to be four fold here, where lorries are moving, reversing, parking seemingly anywhere in an absence of visible roadmarkings, the scene is then a criss cross of people & fork lift trucks, some with blinding lights & some without any, and even though I judge this to be an accident waiting to happen, so far I havent seen one, and endeavour to do my best to ensure I dont contribute to any tonight.
Afer parking my van I normally inspect the goods on offer from various traders, looking for examples of really good fresh quality and mentally cross checking the best against what's on my list to buy. Tonight however, my prority is to find a trolley early, since recently the usual one seems to have been snaffled up by a new Thursday regular, and since first come, first served is the rule here, it's up to me to 'snaffle one up' and I spot and grab one from around the back of L'Orto di Sorrento. Actually this is a good place to start, as they are an excellent showcase of Italian produce . Robert Zaccarini who runs this organic Italian importer of Fruit & Veg (and Mozzarella!) is not there yet, but his porter acknowledges my use of the trolley, and makes a mental note of what I place on the trolley, knwoing that I'll be back later to pay. I also know that I'll pick up more later, depending on the quality & availability elsewhere. Here, I always buy Robert's unwaxed lemons, (as indeed do all the other traders in the market). These have leaves on, a twig with surprisngly sharp thorns, a dull look, and thick uneven skin, but they really are the tastiest Lemons I've ever bought in the UK. Today, he also has similarly presented Oranges & Clementines, again with intense taste, and thick skin, but easy to peel with your fingers, as well as boxes of redflecked skin Blood Oranges so it's a case or two of each of these straight on to the trolley.
Even though these cost about half as much again as similar examples of the fruits, I have no hesitation in selecting them since they reward the creative buyer and user twofold; firstly they have a sweeter, cleaner, fuller tasting juice, and secondly; as with all citrus fruits, their essential oils, and most concentrated flavour, is contained within the thin outer (coloured) skin, which, since they have only been washed rather than waxed, or treated with chemicals, remains unadulterated and ideal for zesting or candying, thus preserving the taste long after the juice has been used.
Richard also imports the best tomatoes I've ever tasted, and even though it's February, his are still the best on the market. I select cases of on the vine plum (not the San Marzano, which he doesnt have this week, due to snow in Naples! ...) Round, and Cherry tomaotes, and the next entry will detail these and the remainder of what I buy from L'Orto di Sorrento Ltd.
More to come, later